



A 3-Day Immersive Online Experience to Transport You Into a World of Wonder, Self-Discovery, and Personal Growth Through Oracle Cards

Sept. 15-17, 2023 Streaming Live with Zoom


Give me a few minutes of your time and watch this before you read on and I’ll tell you why you’ll absolutely love being there

Give me a few minutes of your time and watch this before you read on and I’ll tell you why you’ll absolutely love being there

Discover Why You Are
the Magic You’re Looking For

OraclePalooza Virtual is a one-of-a-kind mystical and spiritual experience to celebrate your magic and reignite your hope, purpose and possibilities. 

You’ll leave with insight and spiritual tools to easily find answers and direction to any situation in your life using Oracle cards - even if you’ve never used them before!

When You Attend This Mystical
and Magical 3-Day Spiritual Experience, You’ll …

Reignite Your Hope And Tap Into Infinite Possibilities Again

Reclaim your belief that there’s a divine plan for you. When you do the inner work to remove expectation and embrace experiences with curiosity, love and acceptance, miracles will come to you.

Trust Your Intuition Is Here To Serve Your Higher Purpose

Certainty is an inside job. You’ll learn how to trust your inner wisdom so you can feel safe and supported by the Universe — no matter what’s happening in the world.

Celebrate Your Magic

You’re a unique spark of the Divine, and you’re here for a very special, specific purpose. Identify your highest intentions, and you’ll move closer to seeing the opportunities within you, and the light you bring to the world.

Plus, so much more!

Reel Talk:

Attendees Share their Epic Experiences from OraclePalooza


Meditations, Spiritual Connection, and a
Whole Lotta Intuitive Guidance!

3 Days To Go From ‘Is this possible for me?’ to Knowing
‘I can manifest my life in partnership with Spirit!’

Over 3 uplifting days, you’ll celebrate your place in the world as a sacred dreamer. You’ll trust that even though you cannot change or control everything, you weave the fabric of your life by taking steps and surrendering the rest to the Divine.


Meditations, Spiritual Connection, and a
Whole Lotta Intuitive Guidance!

Sessions with Colette!

Using the new Dream Weaver’s Card deck, Colette will guide you through impactful and transformational exercises for a dive deep into your magical, mystical self.

Breakout Groups

You’ll break out into small groups to share the magic, talk about the cards and make real, lasting connections with other spiritual, heart-centered seekers.

Guided Meditations

This is one of the most transformative and beloved aspects of OraclePalooza! Colette will lead you and the group meditation, exponentially raising the vibe with her brand new vision journeys into the hopes, dreams and big intentions you have for your life.

3 Days To Go From ‘Is this possible for me?’ to Knowing
I can manifest my life in partnership with Spirit!

Over 3 uplifting days, you’ll celebrate your place in the world as a sacred dreamer. You’ll trust that even though you cannot change or control everything, you weave the fabric of your life by taking steps and surrendering the rest to the Divine.

We’ll explore your relationship with the Universe, how to trust it, and how to let go of old stories and beliefs that are holding you back.

On Day 1, you'll experience:

  • Experience Oracle Card readings using Colette's Dream Weaver’s Oracle card deck.
  • Engage in interactive sessions that delve into areas of your personal connection with the Universe, unveiling the truth that nothing is ever truly lost or wasted.
  • New guided meditations to rediscover and reclaim the fragments of yourself that may have faded away.

Day 2 is all about aligning your intentions with the Universe. You’ll learn the art of receptivity — how to allow the flow of cosmic energy and divine gifts and hold onto them.

On Day 2, you'll experience:

  • Interactive sessions on aligning and allowing your dreams with the Divine, acknowledging the magic within the inner world.
  • Brand-new guided meditations and Oracle card readings from the Dream Weaver's Oracle deck.
  • Interactions with like-minded individuals in small group breakout sessions to share epiphanies and make new friends worldwide.

On the closing day, you’ll claim the sacred vision for your life that you cultivated over the weekend so you can become all you want to be.

On Day 3, you'll experience:

  • Inspirational sessions focusing on how to claim the sacred vision for your life and become the person who lives it before you can see it.
  • Small group breakout chats to reflect and appreciate how far you've come together.
  • Celebration and virtual dance party! We’re going to celebrate and honor the soul-level work you’ve done over the weekend in the best way: dancing, standing or seated, joyfully!


Colette’s Most Epic Spirit
Jam Of The Year!

You know ALL about Spirit Jams but you should know that OraclePalooza Spirit Jams are legendary! 

And, the biggest one of the year is included in your ticket price!! 

During this evening of mediumship, we celebrate the interconnectedness of the Universe and your place within it. 

Select audience members will receive messages from friends and loved ones on the other side through Colette!

Whether or not you're chosen, every reading will give you insight and a sense of healing.

OraclePalooza Virtual Starts in…


Choose the Ticket
That’s Right For You!

Check Out The #OraclePaloozaVirtual Swag!

Check Out The #OraclePaloozaVirtual Swag!

Rave Reviews for OraclePalooza

Rave Reviews for OraclePalooza

Questions about OraclePalooza?
Read On!

We're so glad you asked! These are a few reasons why you should attend OraclePalooza…

  • Learn directly from Colette and get the chance to interact with her and ask her questions
  • Connect with your spiritual family (and make new friends!)
  • Practice reading the Oracle Cards for yourself and others, even if you have no experience with cards!
  • Get real and share your truth in a supportive, non-judgmental environment
  • Experience one-of-a-kind guided meditations and vision journeys
  • Be part of the exponential vibration increase that happens when a large group comes together with a common intention
  • Celebrate to your heart's delight
  • Get the chance to be randomly selected to receive a live reading or coaching with me
  • Create memories that will last a lifetime
  • Take home an incredible swag box of valuable resources, gifts, and surprises
  • Learn practical spiritual lessons and tools that you can incorporate into your daily spiritual practice after the event

Absolutely! Everyone is welcome at this event--from beginners to more advanced Oracle Card readers. If you're ready to learn more about the secrets of the Conscious Universe, and gain the confidence and clarity to pursue your dreams, this is for you. You don't even have to know WHY you're attending! (If you have that deep down sense that you're meant to be here, that's all you need to know. Trust your intuition.)

This year's OraclePalooza Virtual is full of brand new teachings, meditations, and exercises! While there may be a bit of overlap with concepts I've shared before, what you'll learn and experience at OraclePalooza will be new.

We'll go deeper, we'll explore more, and you'll reach new levels of transformation. This is your chance to reconnect with friends from last year and meet new friends from our "Woo Crew" in a more intimate manner! At OraclePalooza Virtual you'll be able to practice your new skills, share your "wins" and deepen your connection to the Conscious Universe. It's one part learning, one part celebration… and an experience you'll never forget!

Within a few minutes of signing up, you'll receive a detailed welcome email with all the information you need! Please know even though this is a virtual event, you'll be required to "check-in" for the event a couple of days before to ensure prevention of any technical difficulties prior to the event starting on September 15th. We will be in touch via email with check-in details, swag box updates, and an invitation to our private Facebook community as the event gets closer.

We know you're excited to receive your swag box full of items to make this event a truly unforgettable experience. Swag Boxes are not shipped immediately, but will be shipped closer to the start of the event.

Hoodie Sizing Chart

OraclePalooza Virtual will be hosted on a virtual stage along with a special dashboard. Access to resources, games, activities and more will be available via the dashboard as content becomes available.

Please see the schedule below (know that we reserve the right to make minor modifications to best serve you).

  • Friday, September 15th 11:00am -- 5:00pm ET **Spirit Jam from 6:00pm-7:30pm ET
  • Saturday, September 16th -- 11:00am -- 7:00pm ET **Intuitive Coaching from 6:00pm-7:00pm ET
  • Sunday, September 17th -- 11:00am -- 3:00pm ET

Click here to convert the times to your time zone.

Have another question not listed here? Please contact [email protected].

You acknowledge that your ticket to OraclePalooza Virtual was purchased from Colette Baron-Reid ("Too Amaze, Inc.") and is non-refundable.

You’ve made the 4th year of OraclePalooza Virtual possible!

I'm so grateful to you for being a part of my community and choosing to travel your spiritual journey with me.

This incredible weekend-long spiritual experience has become a beloved adventure of meditations, inspirations, dancing, thought-provoking exercises, laughter, Oracle readings and more.

At a time of profound shifts in the world and culture, this OraclePalooza presents an opportunity to express and embody gratitude in the face of our collective and personal challenges.

We’re being called to see life through the eyes of gratitude, humility, and kindness.

To become more aware and grateful for the divinity in us.

To look around us and recognize that we can make a difference for ourselves and others.

Miracles are waiting for you to call them to life.

I can't wait to see you all in September!

Love, Colette

“When you combine the power of the mind and heart with the divine intelligence of Spirit in a sacred collaboration, miracles are possible!”



We bring OraclePalooza Virtual to you at a fraction of the price of a live event, with ALL the connection, energy and FUN!